Dr. Ute Kalender

Flat, toxic, pornographic?

Gender and the status of AI-generated images


Democracy & Politics, Arts & Culture, Science & Technology
11:00 – 15:00 Uhr
© Jobin Scaria



Event information

The interactive workshop will focus on the complicated relationship between gender and AI images in artistic research, art theory and history as well as in socio-critical approaches. Images of gendered bodies in AI-based social media are considered flat, toxic, pornographic - as the zero level of the image.

The aim of the workshop, on the other hand, is to commemorate a different approach to AI-based images of gender, which continues to focus critically and nonetheless on the fluidity and virality of digital gender images. When can AI images escape, transgress and question racist, heteronormative, ableist, capitalist control societies and when can they not?

The target audience is anyone who is interested in AI-generated images and their gender status and/or produces AI images themselves: Artistic researchers, art critics, influencers, theorists, concerned parents or media educators. In addition to theoretical impulses, the focus is always on AI images themselves and alternative image productions.

No previous experience is required.


Short biography

Dr. Ute Kalender is a cultural scientist. She was a visiting professor for media theory at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Berlin and represented the Chair of Media, Algorithms, Society at the University of Paderborn. She has published and researched widely on the topics of queer AI, data colonialism and intersectional perspectives on digitality. In June 2024, she was nominated for the German Ethics Council.


SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL, Hall for Contemporary Art



Information for participants

The so-called SURVIVAL PASS, which can be obtained free of charge on request when you first enter the exhibition, allows unlimited free access to the exhibition and participation in the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL.

Prior registration is not required. Once the 35 slots for the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL are filled, the course is considered full. Please arrive on time accordingly. For group visits with more than 8 people, we kindly request prior arrangement via besuch@deichtorhallen.de

All offerings of the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL can be attended without prior knowledge. Materials will be provided on-site unless otherwise specified. Feel free to bring personal materials that are important to you for the workshop.