Corinna Sy

Unlearn Business Lab

What do we need to unlearn in order to rethink economic systems?


Society & Community, Learning & Unlearning, Economy & Work
11:00 – 17:00 Uhr
© Unlearn Business Lab



Event information

Our world is in a critical state: increasing inequality amidst the climate crisis and political instability. We believe that a new economic system based on justice, redistribution, and regeneration is necessary. To bring about radical change, we must first unlearn many things, especially our relationship with money, power, other people, and ourselves. In order to break with old beliefs and thus create space for progressive approaches, we need new strategies and skills in the workplace.

In this workshop, we will discuss the fundamentals of sustainable entrepreneurial action and highlight how unlearning habits can help us put utopian ideas about money, care, redistribution, and justice into practice.

In the first part of our workshop, we will present our unlearning strategies with a short input and address the formats and questions we want to promote for systemic change. In the second part, we will guide participants through an interactive perspective shift to explore and discuss utopian ideas around money, care, redistribution, and justice together.

Our goal in this workshop is not only to question existing thought patterns but also to explore and discuss alternative solutions. The workshop is aimed at anyone who wants to rethink our current economic system and is open to new radical approaches.

Short biography

The Unlearn Business Lab is a collaborative research project and a kind of movement. The UBL was initiated in cooperation with einhorn products, wildling shoes, Folkdays, and many individual actors. Close friends and cooperation partners include, for example, eeden hamburg, the Business and Soul School, Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL), BrafeSpace, and many more.

Corinna Sy is part of the Unlearn Business Lab and Co-Managing Director of tbd*. She is a practitioner of social change with a background in eco-social design. Her work revolves around the question of how we can bring about systemic change in economic relationships and what relationships, structures, and formats we need to pursue and implement radical changes. She loves working in intersectional and interdisciplinary teams that combine activism, science, design, art, and business in diverse ways.


SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL, Hall for Contemporary Art



Information for participants

The so-called SURVIVAL PASS, which can be obtained free of charge on request when you first enter the exhibition, allows unlimited free access to the exhibition and participation in the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL.

Prior registration is not required. Once the 35 slots for the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL are filled, the course is considered full. Please arrive on time accordingly. For group visits with more than 8 people, we kindly request prior arrangement via

All offerings of the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL can be attended without prior knowledge. Materials will be provided on-site unless otherwise specified. Feel free to bring personal materials that are important to you for the workshop.