Leon Kahane

I spy with my little eye

Workshop for children

Democracy & Politics, Society & Community, Arts & Culture
15:00 – 16:30 Uhr
© Nils Emmerichs


Workshop for children

Event information

All children know the game "I spy with my little eye." In this game, children describe something they see to each other until the others figure out what it is that they didn't see. Our perception is selective and often focused on our own conflicts. However, it is important to describe to each other what one's own perception is and to learn to understand the perception of others, especially since one quickly realizes that the conflicts of others are more often part of one's own life than one might believe. 
This workshop is dedicated to the question of what images and photographs can depict and what they refer to. The work FRONTEX by the artist Leon Kahane addresses the apparent absence of the humanitarian catastrophe of the refugee routes in the Mediterranean in our everyday perception. Through his work, he will try to discuss with the children how different perceptions and experiences influence their own lives, and how art can help convey their own perspectives and experiences.

Short biography

Leon Kahane, born in 1985 in Berlin, creates conceptual video works, photographs, and installations. The focus of his interest often revolves around the cultural and artistic representation of political developments in the recent past. He frequently draws attention to events and institutions where inherent contradictions of history are expressed. These contradictions reflect historical, political, economic, as well as biographical aspects that he incorporates and processes in his works. Above all, the socio-cultural siting of current political discourses and dynamics is of central importance to his artistic approach, which constitutes a form of cultural criticism.


SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL, Hall for Contemporary Art



Information for participants

The so-called SURVIVAL PASS, which can be obtained free of charge on request when you first enter the exhibition, allows unlimited free access to the exhibition and participation in the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL.

Prior registration is not required. Once the 35 slots for the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL are filled, the course is considered full. Please arrive on time accordingly. For group visits with more than 8 people, we kindly request prior arrangement via besuch@deichtorhallen.de

All offerings of the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL can be attended without prior knowledge. Materials will be provided on-site unless otherwise specified. Feel free to bring personal materials that are important to you for the workshop.