Tiff Mak

Seeding Futures

Sensing Seeds of Entanglements


Cooking & Nutrition, Environment & Sustainability, Science & Technology
15:00 – 17:30 Uhr



Information about the event

No registration or fee needed.

We, as the human species, have a long-standing relationship with seeds, receiving their gifts of nourishment, especially through eating. ‘Seeding Futures’ is a project that explores our seeded relations and entanglements with the more-than-human world through the practices of farming and fermentation.
'Seeding' involves sowing and preparing, while looking towards the future. Fermentation, like seeding, also looks ahead. It shows how our actions today are influenced by the past and shape our future.
The project explores how seeds are connected to us. It highlights the different possibilities for the future and acknowledges the collective efforts of many, including microbes. Through workshops and discussions, the project aims to create a space where we can collectively envision a future where both humans and nature thrive.

A participatory, sensory-engaging workshop, where participants will collectively explore and envision futures where we, human and more-than-human, can collectively flourish.

Feel free to bring artifacts that you associate with the word ‘seed’ or the phrase ‘seeding futures’ (optional).

Short biography

Dr. Tiff Mak (they/she) is a postdoctoral researcher working at the intersection of Microbial Ecology, Fermentation and Integrated Food Systems, currently based in Copenhagen at the NNF Center for Biosustainability at DTU. They focus on living systems and the relationality of beings, from the scale of the microbial to the planetary. Their practice involves bringing together situated knowledge and practices alongside more-than-human perspectives, as well as seeking to tell stories around community and plurality through the exploration of food ecologies.


KITCHEN, Hall for Contemporary Art



Further information

This project takes place in collaboration with the Bauhaus of the Seas Sails project. At the intersection of art, culture, social integration, science, and technology, it extends the so-called European Green Deal of 2019 to coastal areas.
The Bauhaus of the Seas Sails project calls for fostering collective and caring relationships between human and more than human actors to create sustainable, inclusive, and hopeful future perspectives. As a pilot city, Hamburg focuses on a regenerative menu created by selected fellows, exploring the impacts of extensive human interventions in nature and associated ecological changes on the Hanseatic foodscape. It uses speculative gastronomy as a tool to reimagine its future.

Information for participants

This offering is not included in the regular program of the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL. Therefore, a participation fee is required. Further information on payment and registration procedures can be found in the "Event Information" section.