Lola Bott, Karolina Kaiser, Sandra Schumann and Cathrin Zumhasch

social knitting

How social is your knitting?


Society & Community, Arts & Culture, Learning & Unlearning
14:00 – 17:30 Uhr
© Lola Bott



Event information

By knitting together with your bodies, you will enter into an exchange with other visitors, the second-hand material and the method itself. 
Together we will knit large textile structures that create space for encounters, envelop us, connect us with each other and explore the possibilities of a collective technique. We will learn about survival in the context of community, mutual aid and the influence of feminist texts that have strongly influenced this practice to knit soft spatial structures and social spaces together.

All you need are your hands and a desire to try things out. Anything that follows the shape of a line can be used as yarn. If you come across any materials, feel free to bring them along. 

Short biography

Lola Bott, Karolina Kaiser, Sandra Schumann and Cathrin Zumhasch  are students at the HFBK Hamburg, studying in the fields of design, fine arts, and art education. From a shared interest in textile materials and techniques, especially knitting, and curiosity about collectivity and collaborative work, the collective practice "social knitting" emerged in the Social Design Class of 2022.


SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL, Hall for Contemporary Art



Information for participants

The so-called SURVIVAL PASS, which can be obtained free of charge on request when you first enter the exhibition, allows unlimited free access to the exhibition and participation in the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL.

Prior registration is not required. Once the 35 slots for the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL are filled, the course is considered full. Please arrive on time accordingly. For group visits with more than 8 people, we kindly request prior arrangement via

All offerings of the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL can be attended without prior knowledge. Materials will be provided on-site unless otherwise specified. Feel free to bring personal materials that are important to you for the workshop.