Katholische Akademie Hamburg

Guided Tour Survival in the 21st Century

Interreligious Dialogue

Guided Tour

Society & Community, Arts & Culture, Learning & Unlearning
18:30 – 20:30 Uhr


Guided Tour

Admission: Exhibition entry fee

Please register here for the tour!

Information about the event

The exhibition of the same name at the Deichtorhallen addresses how people will live and survive in the 21st century. The questions we want to explore this evening are the following: What distinguishes biblical apocalyptic thinking from the imaginations shown in the exhibition, and where are there parallels? To what extent can the Christian religion, with its potential for hope, contribute to avoiding a mere survival mode?
WITH: Dr. Johann Hinrich Claußen, Cultural Representative of the EKD, Dr. Veronika Schlör, Catholic Academy
ADMISSION: Exhibition entry fee
COOPERATION with the Katholische Akademie Hamburg

Please register here for the tour!


Survival in the 21st Century, Hall for Contemporary Art

Meeting point in front of the ticket counter

Information for participants

This offering is not included in the regular program of the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL. Therefore, a participation fee is required. Further information on payment and registration procedures can be found in the "Event Information" section.