Chiara Marcella

Frau Elbe e.V.: Rights of the river Elbe

KLIMASTRÖME - The Festival of Future Wishes

Festival for children and young people

Society & Community, Arts & Culture, Environment & Sustainability, Science & Technology
11:00 – 18:00 Uhr
© Chiara Marcella, Frau Elbe e.V.


Festival for children and young people


11AM - 2PM

Age: 8-14 years

The Elbe is not just a river with boats and container ships; it is also a vital habitat - life thrives around, on, above, and in it. It is home to many plants and animals, and our daily lives would be unimaginable without it. So why is the Elbe still considered an object of nature?
In our interactive future lab, you will have the opportunity to ask yourself the following questions: Who is the Elbe? Why doesn't the Elbe have the same rights as I do? And who is actually advocating for it? Together, we want to find out why a river like the Elbe cannot currently be represented in court and what needs to happen to change that.
We will create a campaign with posters using various printing techniques, sound, and texts to advocate for the rights of the Elbe and give it a voice for more sustainable protection in the future.
On a grand water parade on August 25th from 3-5 PM, we want to take the posters onto the water in Wilhelmsburg and protest for the rights of the Elbe!

The communication designer Chiara Marcella questions colonial understandings of human-nature relationships and, as part of the Frau Elbe e.V. collective, advocates for declaring the Elbe a legal person.

Event information

The art and research festival “KLIMASTRÖME – The Festival of Future Wishes” moves into the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL from August 20th to 25th!

The festival program is created by children and young people for young people, taking their wishes and fears about their future seriously. Their visions about city and water, climate, and nature conservation are presented by them in artistic formats (sound, performance, visual arts, and games). From 10 am to 6 pm, there will be an interactive exhibition featuring artist talks, games, sound, and performances to see, hear, and experience.

In the auditorium of the Deichtollen, you'll find the spatial and interactive installation “frei•schwimmen” (free•swimming). It makes a world full of future wishes, dreams, and concerns of children physically, visually, and auditorily tangible. The game is designed and conceptualized by studio playces in collaboration with children from Hamburg.

Short biography

Kajan Luc, diversity and communication designer, focuses on anti-discriminatory, anti-racist, and anti-colonial design. Through participatory interventions in public spaces, speculative tools, and experimental seminars, she raises awareness of societal and social issues of our time: racism, climate crisis, and climate (in)justice. As an artistic director, artist, and curator, she realizes award-winning exhibition projects at MARKK, Kampnagel, Museum der Arbeit, Jupiter, and the art festivals KLIMASTRÖME and IMAGINE Hamburg.

Caio Jacques is a cultural scientist, event manager, and artist from Hamburg who feels increasingly comfortable by the water during his career. Whether as production manager for KLIMASTRÖME – The Festival of Future Wishes, production assistant for the Climate Art Fest, or event manager for the Triennial of Photography, his projects always seek proximity to water and the port. Jacques looks beyond the familiar pool and brings his ideas to swim.

Skadi Sarnoch, a social and cultural anthropologist and passionate ceramist, worked as a project coordinator/curator at MARKK, combines her work with sustainable and culturally diverse content. As a project coordinator and water expert at KLIMASTRÖME - Festival of Future Wishes, she brings fresh ideas from the water to the festival.

The Hamburg-based design collective studio playces designs interactive spaces, redefining play and space. It opens up critical, societal utopias and provides tools to create a more socially just world.


SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL, Hall for Contemporary Art



Information for participants

The so-called SURVIVAL PASS, which can be obtained free of charge on request when you first enter the exhibition, allows unlimited free access to the exhibition and participation in the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL.

Prior registration is not required. Once the 35 slots for the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL are filled, the course is considered full. Please arrive on time accordingly. For group visits with more than 8 people, we kindly request prior arrangement via

All offerings of the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL can be attended without prior knowledge. Materials will be provided on-site unless otherwise specified. Feel free to bring personal materials that are important to you for the workshop.