André Lützen

Artificial Intelligence versus Human Intelligence

Exhibition by 8 photographers from Hamburg and Johannesburg

Exhibition opening

Society & Community, Arts & Culture, Science & Technology
18:00 – 22:00 Uhr
© Abigail Nel


Exhibition opening

A collaboration between the KLUB DER KÜNSTE of the Deichtorhallen Hamburg and the TTLC - Through The Lens Collective, Johannesburg.

Event information

The exhibition 'AI vs HI' (artificial intelligence versus human intelligence) in the Galerie im Gang of the Deichtorhallen was created in parallel with the exhibition 'Survival in the 21st Century' as a collaboration between the cultural education of the Deichtorhallen and the 'Through the Lens Collective' (TTLC), Johannesburg, South Africa. Four photographers from the KDK in Hamburg and four participants from Johannesburg have engaged in a visual dialogue on the topic over the last four months and have worked together. In addition to the photographs, there will be four video installations in the exhibition, contextualizing the images.

Participating photographers:
Sara Escribano, Spain, Photographer, Hamburg (KdK)
Altay Tuz, Turkey, Photographer and Futures Fellow, Hamburg (KdK)
Gabriela Guimarães, Photographer, Brazil/Hamburg (KdK)
Caio Jacques, Photographer, Brazil/Hamburg, Brussels (KdK)
Shalom Mushwana, Johannesburg, Photographer (TTLC)
Kwazokuhle Phakath, Johannesburg, Photographer (TTLC)
Troye Shannon, Johannesburg, Photographer (TTLC)
Abigail Nel, Johannesburg, Photographer (TTLC)

Concept and artistic direction: André Lützen
Through The Lens Collective, Director and Lecturer: Michelle Loukidis
Deichtorhallen Hamburg - Head of Cultural Education: Birgit Hübner
Project period: November 2023 – April 2024

Short biography

André Lützen, a photography lecturer at Deichtorhallen Hamburg, will share his comprehensive knowledge and expertise.

Michelle Loukidis, a photography lecturer and founder of Through The Lens Collective in Johannesburg, will also participate in the workshop, offering valuable insights into her approach.


Gallery in the hallway, Deichtorhallen Hamburg (side entrance)

